Birds of prey shows are always impressive and are popular among tourists. Expect to see large birds with huge wings which fly both low over the ground and high in the air. Hawks that plunge down from a great height and owls that fly just above your head. The bird of prey show "Les Géants du Ciel" is extra spectacular because it takes place in a centuries-old castle ruin, there is no better setting for a bird of prey show! The ruin in question is Château des Evêques in Chauvigny. Chauvigny is located east of Poitiers, an hour's drive from your holiday home in our holiday park in Les Forges. The show lasts about 45 mins and it’s not necessary to book in advance.
Tip: If you visit during the summer, be sure to bring enough water and possibly something to cover your head!
Birds of prey show Les Géants du Ciel in Chauvigny
Château des Evêques in Chauvigny
Castle ruins represent hundred years of history. In most cases only the walls are still intact and you are invited to create your own image of what the castle would have looked like in the past when knights and damsels lived there. This is also the case for Château des Evêques. Apart from the walls, the castles amphitheater, where the birds of prey shows take place, is also still intact. During the show you can enjoy medieval background music while the birds show their skills. The amphitheatre also gives you a beautiful view over the town of Chauvigny where there used to be 4 other castles besides the Château des Evêques.
The castles of Chauvigny
- Château des Evêques
- Château d'Harcourt
- Château de Montléon
- Donjon de Gouzon
- Tour de Flins

Les Géants du Ciel with 250 birds
There are about 250 birds at "Les Géants du Ciel". Only a small amount of the birds perform at the shows. Some of the birds are still too young and others are not yet sufficiently trained. The birds need to go through an intensive training before they can participate in the shows. The birds need to get to know their instructors Amélie, Céline, Sacha, Greg, David, Steve and Simon. To perform great shows the instructors and the birds must fully trust each other.
Bird species
Les Géants du Ciel is home to several bird species. The park has eagles, owls, hawks, marabouts, storks, parrots, vultures and falcons. The park has just welcomed a special eagle, the Stellers eagle. This is the largest and most powerful eagle on the planet. They mostly live in East Asia, in Russia. The eagle that has come to live in the park is called Oxmo and used to live in Germany. He has come to visit Les Géants du Ciel through an exchange program.