Overview of events and festivals

Festivities in the Dordogne / Lot region

Experience the Dordogne / Lot all year round! Celebrations in the region are the old crafts on the village square, the ball under the lanterns, the concert at a historic monument or in the great outdoors. That is theater, dance, rock, jazz, but also those typical markets and folklore.


Blues Station in Tournon d’Agenais. World toppers come to play in old bastide. All year round. bluesstation.fr. Reservation required.


At the end of April the 47du47, internationally known walking tour of 47 kilometers that runs alongside Bonaguil.
Transhumance, Luzech, sheep go to summer pastures


May 1 is the largest flower market in the area in Tournon d’Agenais.
May 20 Fête des Fromages, Rocamadour
End of May: Accordéons nous, international accordéon festival in Trentels
Wine and cheese party Monflanquin


June 21 Fête de la musique, in many places, Cahors is big and fun
End of June, Les Médiévales de Saint-Cirq Lapopie


1st weekend of July, Médieval Bonaguil
Early July Lot of Saveurs, Cahors
Mid July festix on Bonaguil
Mid-July blues festival in Cahors
July 14 French holiday
Foire à la tournitière, Penne d'Agenais
Nuits musicales de Perricard, Montayral
Fête de la rivière, Silurade, Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot
Big Jump, Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot
Concerts "Evenings of the baroque", Monflanquin
Flea markets, Monflanquin

July August

End of July - beginning of August Les Paysanneries, go back in time and experience life in 1885, lespaysanneries.fr, in Masquieres and Thezac.
Night market at Place des Arcades (6 p.m. - 10 p.m.), Monflanquin


Festival de théatre de Bonaguil, first days of August, reservation required, festivaldebonaguil-fumel.fr/
15 August the ceramics market in Saint Avit (Lacapelle Biron)
15 August de marché au tourtières (the apple pie from this area) in Tournon d’Agenais
Les médiéval from Monflanquin
Fête du vin, Thézac


Fête des Vignerons Indépendants du Lot - Puy l’évêque
Journées Européennes du Patrimoine


Trail du Verdus, Thézac

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