Canoe Ariège and Aude

Today, canoeing or rafting on the Ariège River is a popular sport. Discover this beautiful region from the water and go places where you normally wouldn’t be able to go. Bring food and drinks along and look for a nice place to relax halfway through your journey. There are several points where you can set off; also in the vicinity of your holiday home.


A minimum age applies for people who want to go out on the Ariège river by themselves. The age requirement depends on the season. In the spring the river flows much faster than in the summer. Naturally, it is possible for a mother/father to share a canoe with a child. In the summer it is fun to go on a canoe trip with the whole family and to let the current of the river take you downstream.  The only condition is that you must be able to swim, wear a life jacket, and water shoes. And in summer it’s smart to pack some sunscreen!

Wild water canoeing courses

You can choose to go on a wild water canoeing course and have a professional assist you or choose a section that is very calm and purely for recreational canoeing.  Check out the various websites and make sure you are properly informed so you can choose the option that best suits you.

To register, see the app

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