If you want to do something different during your holiday vacation, go to “Aventure Famille” in Saint Maxime. There are several attractions in this park.
Tree climbing course
There are various tree climbing courses in the forest. There are courses for younger children, which are low to the ground. Older children can climb higher courses. In all cases, the children wear safety vests and are attached to the course so that nothing can happen. Courses have also been laid out for adults. These vary in difficulty. Some courses require good physical condition.
Trails in the trees with nets
In another part of the park, large nets are hung between the trees. These nets are below, next to and above the children so that they cannot fall out. The children can walk from one tree to another. The nets are large trampolines that allow the children to fully jump!
Electric scooter
You can rent electric scooters with large tires at the park. This allows you to drive “on road” but also “off road”. It is a very nice way to view the area. You drive through forest paths, over sandy paths and hills, without any effort.
You can also make long trips, e.g. crossing the boat from St. Maxime to St. Tropez and then back along the coast to St. Maxime. On the way you can take a break on a cozy terrace. These group tours are accompanied by a guide.
Archery with a group
Archery is a variant of paintball and is available for participants 10-years-old or older. Just like paintball, you are divided into groups. You try to beat the other group by shooting at them, only now it is with a bow and arrow. Of course, the arrows are not sharp. Each arrow has a ball that is shot at you, not the arrowhead itself.
Jeu de Boules
Some jeu de boules courts are available at the park. You can borrow the balls at the park. You can do this as a change of pace from one of the other attractions, or if you have to wait until it's your turn.